We hope that this website will help visitors and locals learn more about Ebenezer Creek and how to better enjoy and take care of it. With funding assistance from the Georgia Department of Economic Development’s Tourism Product Development Team, we have created a mobile app which will act as a virtual tour guide for those visiting Ebenezer Creek.
The Ebenezer Creek Tour App contains geo-referenced data that tell users more about areas of interest, wildlife, significant landmarks, as well as historical events that took place along the creek. We will continue to consult with local tour guides and archaeologists who have been working on and around the creek to add more information to the app and create a multifaceted guide that will appeal to tourists of all interests from history buffs to bird watchers.
Users can find and download the app on Android and Apple devices. Once downloaded, you can browse the information listed in the app, view images, and see the locations of interest with your phones map viewer before you get on the water. In the settings menu, you can turn on the AutoGPS function and the app will automatically play audio files describing different details about the creek as you approach the reference points. You can enjoy this app without having to directly interact with your phone on the water!