New Ebenezer

New Ebenezer

Exiled by the Catholic powers in Europe, religious refugees from Salzburg, Germany (now Salzburg, Austria) led by pastor Johann Martin Bolzius arrived in Savannah in 1734. General James Oglethorpe offered these Salzburgers refuge on land outside of Savannah, Georgia,...
Logging Bridges

Logging Bridges

Whenever you travel down Ebenezer Creek in a kayak or boat, you witness the natural beauty of the strong cypress that stand tall in the water, and beyond the bank you can see the pine trees that sway in the cool Georgia breeze. These trees are a major part of the...
Old Augusta Road

Old Augusta Road

In 1735, while trying to increase the trade in Georgia, General James Oglethorpe started a trade route from the port city of Savannah to Augusta. This new trade route was made along an old Indian trail that began in Cherokee Nation of the North Carolina mountains and...